NTX Giving Day is proud to support tens of thousands of donors as they come together on one day to give to their favorite nonprofits or to new causes near to their hearts. We encourage donors to find organizations that align with their passions and values.
While Communities Foundation of Texas does verify the charitable status of every nonprofit that participates in NTX Giving Day, CFT does not screen or select organizations based on their charitable purpose or their mission. Giving Day eligibility is based solely on providing services in North Texas and an organization's status as a recognized Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. Therefore, approval of an organization's participation in NTX Giving Day does not constitute an endorsement of the organization or its mission by Communities Foundation of Texas or any Giving Day partners.
Each NTX Giving Day nonprofit page provides the organization's mission and some detailed information on its programs. For additional research, each nonprofit's page also includes a link to its GuideStar profile and/or to its website to provide more detailed information on the organization's mission and use of its charitable dollars.
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